30 Jahre 6 nimmt! von Amigo

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Monkey Palace (LEGO/Asmodee)

1 bonus card for “I'm done” and the event card “Playing with Matches” for Skyrockets - Festival of Colors (both supplements from Pegasus)

A new attempt by Lego in the world of board games. Will they do better this time in collaboration with Asmodee? Parliamentary games evening with the Spiel des Jahres jury. What happens to the many games that are “inherited” year after year? spielbox also met with Hermann Hutter from Huch! and Michael Kiesling. And Sybille and Bruce Whitehill have a long conversation in Japan with the Japanese publisher Saashi & Saashi. Endeavor - The Deep Sea, Kathmandu, Media Aetas and Time Trouble are some of the games reviewed in this issue. And, of course, there is also the annual index.

8,90 EUR
heroscape - Age of Annihilation von Renegade Game Studios
Promo "Prince" for DOMINION (Rio Grande Games)

July's theme was of course: Spiel des Jahres, Kennerspiel des Jahres and Kinderspiel des Jahres 2024 2024 and all three winning games are also a theme of this issue.
During their trip to Japan, Sybille and Bruce Whitehill also visited the Tokyo Game Market  and noticed some differences familiar fairs.
18 reviews including, for example, Schwingenschlag, Die Rats of Wistar, Quicksand, Knowledge, The Glade, Pick a Pen - Gardens, The Quacksalber von Quedlingburg - Das Duell and many more can be found in the magazine.
8,90 EUR
spielbox 2024/2 - English edition

New card "City Park" for "Terraforming Mars" (Fryx Games)

Winner of the French Game of the Year "As d'Or" this year is "Trio". Harald Schrapers was present at the award ceremony and took the opportunity to talk to Eric M. Lang about his game "Life in Reterra", among other things.

This time, illustrator Maura Kalusky is featured in the "Art and Games" section. He is known for his illustrations for the 2F games. Sybille Whitehill spoke to Eric Dieulangard, Head of Marketing at Equinox, about the incredible Kickstarter success of the new TCG "Altered".

Reviews in this issue include Obsession, Sky Team and Hegemony.

8,90 EUR
Das Spiel Mlem von Asmodee
Interview with Reiner Knizia about his new game "Mlem.
Also with reviews of Kuhfstein, Pan Am, Akeis, Dorfromantik - Das Duell, Books of Tim
40 Years of Game Culture - A Look Back and Ahead and much more.
And as always at the end of the year, the magazine naturally also contains the annual index.

8,90 EUR
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