heroscape - Age of Annihilation from Renegade Game Studios

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spielbox 2024/3 - English edition
Here you get small teaser of the content: 
  • Publisher's portrait of Spiral Éditions (“District Noir”, “Boreal”)
  • Interview with Stefan Feld and Ulrich Fonrobert about the Stefan Feld City Collection 
  • Reviews (selection): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual and The Vale of Eternity 


8,90 EUR
The new game "Time Troubel" from Hans im Glueck

‘Robin Hood’ card for ‘Spotlight’, the new game from Horrible Guild

The Austrian games publisher Piatnik is celebrating its 200th birthday. This is worth a detailed story for spielbox.
Ever heard of Skitter? No? Then pick up this magazine.
Some new products from SPIEL have already made it into this pre-fair issue, such as Blood on the Clocktower, Der Große Jahrmarkt, Einfach Genial 3D, King of Tokyo Duell or Slay the Spire.
And we remember the great Rudi Hoffmann, who was Germany's first star author.


8,90 EUR
TCG "ALTERED" from Asmodee

The issue includes the ‘Torte’ promo card for the game Tutto (Abacusspiele).

The fact that State Secretary Michael Kellner from the Ministry of Economic Affairs visited SPIEL is a great sign; however, the fact that he played ‘MÄDN’ of all games is something that should not have happened at this trade fair. This is shown by the number of reviews in this post-fair issue: 3 Chapters, Astrobienen, Bomb Busters, Boreal, Catan Energien, Clans and Glory, Die Blumenstraße, Die drei Kolosse, Dune Imperium - Uprising, Dungeon Designer, Faraway, Flowers, Lucky, Murdio Islan, Nekojima, Souvenirs aus Venedig, The Next Monstar, Tower Up.
Christwart Conrad ‘truffled’ through the halls of SPIEL and picked up a few things along the way. Benjamin Teuber tells us a little about how he came to invent games, about the new Catan - Energy, and how Catan GmbH is continuing after the death of his father. In the ‘Game elements of modern times’ section, this time it's all about games with price erosion (in the game)...


8,90 EUR
spielbox 2024/2 - English edition

New card "City Park" for "Terraforming Mars" (Fryx Games)

Winner of the French Game of the Year "As d'Or" this year is "Trio". Harald Schrapers was present at the award ceremony and took the opportunity to talk to Eric M. Lang about his game "Life in Reterra", among other things.

This time, illustrator Maura Kalusky is featured in the "Art and Games" section. He is known for his illustrations for the 2F games. Sybille Whitehill spoke to Eric Dieulangard, Head of Marketing at Equinox, about the incredible Kickstarter success of the new TCG "Altered".

Reviews in this issue include Obsession, Sky Team and Hegemony.


8,90 EUR
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.