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spielbox, SPIEL DOCH!, SPIELMITTEL, Tickets for the SPIEL DOCH!-fairs and much more.


Have fun browsing and making your choice!

With kind regards

Your team of nostheide verlag

Our recommendations

spielbox test offer (3 issues - German edition only)
from 14,99 EUR
Kombi-Abo mit spielbox, SPIEL DOCH! & spielböxchen (only German editions)
from 45,52 EUR
Abonnement SPIEL DOCH! (2 Ausgaben im Jahr)
from 10,80 EUR
spielbox 2024/3 - English edition
Here you get small teaser of the content: 
  • Publisher's portrait of Spiral Éditions (“District Noir”, “Boreal”)
  • Interview with Stefan Feld and Ulrich Fonrobert about the Stefan Feld City Collection 
  • Reviews (selection): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual and The Vale of Eternity 


8,90 EUR
spielbox 2024/2 - English edition

New card "City Park" for "Terraforming Mars" (Fryx Games)

Winner of the French Game of the Year "As d'Or" this year is "Trio". Harald Schrapers was present at the award ceremony and took the opportunity to talk to Eric M. Lang about his game "Life in Reterra", among other things.

This time, illustrator Maura Kalusky is featured in the "Art and Games" section. He is known for his illustrations for the 2F games. Sybille Whitehill spoke to Eric Dieulangard, Head of Marketing at Equinox, about the incredible Kickstarter success of the new TCG "Altered".

Reviews in this issue include Obsession, Sky Team and Hegemony.


8,90 EUR
The Game Virtual Revolution from Board Game Box

Hier gibt es einen kleinen Teaser zum Inhalt:

  • Verlagsporträt von Spiral Éditions ("District Noir", "Boreal")
  • Interview mit Stefan Feld und Ulrich Fonrobert zur Stefan Feld City Collection
  • Rezensionen zu (Auswahl): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual und The Vale of Eternity


E-Paper spielbox 2-2024 German without add-ons.


6,99 EUR
spielbox one-year-subscription (7 issues - German edition only)
from 40,42 EUR
15th anniversary of Dixit from Libellud/Asmodee

Winner of the French Game of the Year "As d'Or" this year is "Trio". Harald Schrapers was present at the award ceremony and took the opportunity to talk to Eric M. Lang about his game "Life in Reterra", among other things.

This time, illustrator Maura Kalusky is featured in the "Art and Games" section. He is known for his illustrations for the 2F games. Sybille Whitehill spoke to Eric Dieulangard, Head of Marketing at Equinox, about the incredible Kickstarter success of the new TCG "Altered".

Reviews in this issue include Obsession, Sky Team and Hegemony.

E-Paper spielbox 2-2024 without add-ons.


6,99 EUR
The Game Virtual Revolution from Board Game Box

This is the German edition. 

Hier gibt es einen kleinen Teaser zum Inhalt:

  • Verlagsporträt von Spiral Éditions ("District Noir", "Boreal")
  • Interview mit Stefan Feld und Ulrich Fonrobert zur Stefan Feld City Collection
  • Rezensionen zu (Auswahl): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual und The Vale of Eternity


7,90 EUR
The Game Virtual Revolution from Board Game Box

Here you get small teaser of the content: 

  • Publisher's portrait of Spiral Éditions (“District Noir”, “Boreal”)
  • Interview with Stefan Feld and Ulrich Fonrobert about the Stefan Feld City Collection 
  • Reviews (selection): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual and The Vale of Eternity 

E-Paper spielbox 3-2024 without add-ons.


6,99 EUR
Transparent pixel

Release Date: 29. April 2024
spielbox® 2/2024


New card "City Park" for "Terraforming Mars" (Fryx Games)

Winner of the French Game of the Year "As d'Or" this year is "Trio". Harald Schrapers was present at the award ceremony and took the opportunity to talk to Eric M. Lang about his game "Life in Reterra", among other things.

This time, illustrator Maura Kalusky is featured in the "Art and Games" section. He is known for his illustrations for the 2F games. Sybille Whitehill spoke to Eric Dieulangard, Head of Marketing at Equinox, about the incredible Kickstarter success of the new TCG "Altered".

Reviews in this issue include ObsessionSky Team and Hegemony.

If you would like to receive more information, then subscribe to our newsletter. 
Here we always have interesting news such as the publication of a new issue, ticket sales for SPIEL DOCH! trade fairs, offers and much more.



spielbox 2016/5 - German edition

This is the German edition!

Zusatzspielplan "Monument Valley" für World Monuments (Queen-Games)
Die "10. Schlosstür" für Touria (HUCH! & friends)

Kritiken u.a. Via Nebula, Terraforming Mars, Costa Rica, World Monuments. Erster Teil der Messeneuheiten der SPIEL '16 u.v.a.m.

Originally 7,00 EUR
Only 3,50 EUR
spielbox 1998/6
Rezensionen: Pfeffersäcke, Res Publica, Tycoon, Waterloo, Dog ... and more
Originally 3,50 EUR
Only 2,45 EUR
spielbox 2007/5

Völlig mausgeflippt to Burg Appenzell (Zoch Verlag)
Die Wanderbaustellen to Zooloretto (Abacus)
reviews: Euphrat & Tigris, Burg Appenzell, Caylus Magna Carta, ... and more

Originally 5,50 EUR
Only 2,75 EUR
spielbox 1999/6
Game In The Mag:
Richtfunk by Martin Schlegel
Originally 3,50 EUR
Only 2,45 EUR
spielbox 2018/7 - German edition

This is the German edition!

add on:
New tasks for Ghosts of the Moor (TMG).

Reviews: Coimbra, Ex Libris, City of Rome, Reykholt  and 10 more plus 5 shorter reviews in "At a Glance".

Originally 7,20 EUR
Only 5,04 EUR
spielbox 2016/3 - German edition

This is the German edition!

Karte zum Abstimmen für den Deutschen Spielepreis
Gutschein für ein Erklärvideo von der Spieleoffensive
Kritiken: Dynasties, Pandemic Legacy, Celestia und weitere 12. Porträt über Kirsten Hiese und "20 Jahre Wizard"

Originally 7,00 EUR
Only 4,90 EUR
spielbox 2019/7 - German edition

This is the German edition!

Zusatzkarte  für "Räuber von Amarynth" (Schwerkraft Verlag)
Kartenpäckchen: Neuling-Edition für "Exploding Kittens" (Asmodee)

In dieser Ausgabe ist für alle etwas dabei und es geht quer durch die Zeit: Von den Wikingern (Clash of Vikings) ins Jahr 1851 (Crystal Palace) nach Chicago im Jahr 1875 (18xx) nach 1920 (Barrage) und in die Zukunft (Black Angel). Es wird gebaut und gegärtnert, gekämpft und nach Edelsteinen gesucht und in dem Buch "Zeit für Brettspiele" geschmökert.

Originally 7,20 EUR
Only 5,04 EUR
spielbox 2020/7 - English edition

add on:
New map "Jarika the Rogue" for Nidavellir to cut out and glue together.

After the Andor saga, Michael Menzel returns as a game designer with "The Adventures of Robin Hood". In an interview, he tells us how this came about and there is also a surprise inside the issue. Stefan Feld also has his say in issue 7, as does Uwe Bursik from Skellig Games. "Under Falling Skies", "Viscounts of the West Kingdom" or "Paranormal Detective" are only three of 18 reviews. With this issue, editor-in-chief Matthias Hardel also takes his well-deserved "retirement" after 19 years.

Originally 8,00 EUR
Only 5,60 EUR
spielbox 2014/6 - English edition

Legendary Summoner / Open Legends. Bonus card plus Variant for Tash-Kalar (Czech Games Edition)

1st part of the fair report from SPIEL '14, reviews: Black Fleet, Five Tribes, Panamax, Zombicide and more., Portrait of Michael Schacht and much more

Originally 7,80 EUR
Only 3,90 EUR
spielbox 2015/3 - German edition

This is the German edition!

add on:
New Card for Dixit (Libellud/Asmodee)

Reviews:Marco Polo, the Game, Da Luigi, Neptun, Yak/Larry; Royals, Panthalos, Roll for the Galaxy, Die Schlösser des König Luddwig, Beasty Bar, Onward to Venus, Historia. Ein Porträt über den Weltmeistermacher Erwin Glonegger u.v.a.m.

Originally 7,00 EUR
Only 4,20 EUR
Transparent pixel


The Game Virtual Revolution from Board Game Box

Here you get small teaser of the content: 

  • Publisher's portrait of Spiral Éditions (“District Noir”, “Boreal”)
  • Interview with Stefan Feld and Ulrich Fonrobert about the Stefan Feld City Collection 
  • Reviews (selection): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual and The Vale of Eternity 

E-Paper spielbox 3-2024 without add-ons.


6,99 EUR
ATIWA von Lookout Spiele

Brettspiel (Kennerspiel) für 1-4 Spieler ab 12 Jahren aus dem Jahr 2022. Dauer ca. 30 Minuten pro Spieler

Verlag: Lookout Spiele - Autor: Uwe Rosenberg

Shipping only within europe!

38,00 EUR
The Game Virtual Revolution from Board Game Box

Hier gibt es einen kleinen Teaser zum Inhalt:

  • Verlagsporträt von Spiral Éditions ("District Noir", "Boreal")
  • Interview mit Stefan Feld und Ulrich Fonrobert zur Stefan Feld City Collection
  • Rezensionen zu (Auswahl): Botanicus, Evacuation, Evenfall, Harmonies, Ritual und The Vale of Eternity


E-Paper spielbox 2-2024 German without add-ons.


6,99 EUR
German edition:
 All 7 issues 2023 of spielbox incl. add-ons (German language).

English editon:
All  issues 2023 of spielbox incl. add-ons (English language)
33,60 EUR
Transparent pixel